dressed in black with red cheeks

Bronko Kudlickas newest and hottest record will be out on knut knutsen rekordning. This 12" EP is limited to 222 pieces, vinyl only!!!! On A-side you get 5 fine punkrock songs, on side B is a printed graphic (no songs, just fine art-food for your eyes).


For best sound and pure punkrock action play with 45 rpm. For devil-message use record with a strawberry jogurt cup.


01 welcome to the freakshow

02 indian boy

03 donnie darko

04 hate your damn tattoo

05 baltic sea


All songs written and produced by Bronko Kudlicka © 2011


 How to get the record? -> bronko.kudlicka@gmx.net

Listen to the song "welcome to the freakshow" here:

welcome to the freakshow
welcome to the freakshow.mp3
MP3-Audiodatei [5.0 MB]

Press: OX-Review

OX-Review - Current issue Nr. 100
Portable Network Image Format [514.8 KB]